We understand how people, culture and complex organisational change works.

Our Approach

Our approach always begins with understanding our clients’ wants, needs and challenges. We then work in partnership to create a customised plan of action.

All our clients are different, with unique cultures, challenges and contexts - so we meet them where they are - and work collaboratively to achieve the transformation they are seeking. We offer insights that help our clients generate clarity, build capability and create cohesion.

We get that leadership is a long-term game. One that involves the delicate balancing of psychological safety and trust with enough ‘heat and intensity’ to create transformational outcomes.

So we are not about fly by night relationships and band-aid solutions that paper over the more complex issues.

Instead, we work in close partnership with our clients, taking the time to understand them, their context and needs so that we can uncover and work with systemic issues in order to make a measurable difference to engagement and performance outcomes.

We draw on evidence based coaching methodologies and adult stages of development, best practice organisation and culture research, and use experiential approaches to deepen reflection, develop perspective taking capacity and help people take the actions that make a real difference to team and organisational performance.

Explore Our Insights

Our Values

We want to be of service to those motivated to create real value for their communities and for society at large.

Our values guide and direct our attention and the choices that we make. We seek to role model what we teach:

Nothing can change without awareness; all change starts with self. We take active steps to look into the mirror and develop our ‘observer self’. This helps us to make better choices - ones that that align with our values and the results we want to create.

Personal Responsibility
As the wise Viktor Frankl once famously said; ‘The last of the human freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances’. We all have the capacity to choose our attitude (not always our circumstances). We seek to move from victim mindset to one of agency, empowerment and personal responsibility.

Keep on experimenting. Organisations and people that can build experimentation into the fabric of ‘how they do things’ have worked out the secret ingredient for continued success, engagement and growth.

Take a stand for what you belief in. Make your voice and your life count for something. Work out what YOU want it to be and take the leap!

No team, no organisation, no relationship can adapt, develop and thrive without trust. Learn what builds it and what takes it away. Know what your own trust triggers are. Also know that you have to give it to get it.

The most profound change happens when there is care and psychological safety. Those who capture hearts win over minds. We are emotional beings, and that is what makes us human. We must care for one another if we want to create positive change.