‘Develop a passion for learning and you will never cease to grow.’

Anthony J. D’Angelo

Our Insights

How To Create A Learning Organisation
LEARNING Holly Parry LEARNING Holly Parry

How To Create A Learning Organisation

How can those organisations up for the hard work of adapting and evolving in times of complexity and change support their people to learn?  Not just learning fast but deep learning, and in a way that drives improved performance and business outcomes?

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Is Your Team Stuck? Try These 4 Game Changing Strategies
TEAMWORK Holly Parry TEAMWORK Holly Parry

Is Your Team Stuck? Try These 4 Game Changing Strategies

For many of us, our experiences of teams and collaborative work has been pretty disappointing. Lack of clarity of direction and accountabilities, poor handling of or avoidance of conflict can create a toxic work environment characterised by low trust, low engagement and mediocre results. So what can we do about it?

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Help! Not Another Meeting!

Help! Not Another Meeting!

How is it that in the age of artificial intelligence and attempts to colonize Mars that meetings in the workplace can and still feel so incredibly unproductive? Here are 4 common sense tips for improving your meetings.

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